
1. Takahashi, M., Shirai, T., Fukushima, S., Hananouchi, M., Hirose, M., Ito, N.: Effect of fundic ulcers induced by iodoacetamide on development of gastric tumors in rats treated with N-methyl-N’-nitrosoguanidine. Gann, 67: 47-54, 1976.

2. Fukushima, S., Hirose, M., Tsuda, H., Shirai, T., Hirao, K., Arai, M., Ito, N.: Histological classification of urinary bladder cancers in rats induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine. Gann, 67: 81-90, 1976.

3. Hirao, K., Shinohara, Y., Tsuda, H., Fukushima, S., Takahashi, M., Ito, N.: Carcinogenic activity of quinoline on rat liver. Cancer Res, 36: 329-335, 1976.

4. Tsuda, H., Fukushima, S., Takahashi, M., Hikosaka, Y., Hayashi, K.: Familial bilateral papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis. Cancer, 37: 1831-1839, 1976.

5. Shinohara, Y., Arai, M., Hirao, K., Sugihara, S., Nakanishi, K., Tsunoda, H., Ito, N.: Combination effect of citrinin and other chemicals on rat kidney tumorigenesis. Gann, 67: 147-155, 1976.

6. Hirose, M., Fukushima, S., Hananouchi, M., Shirai, T., Ogiso, T., Takahashi, M., Ito, N.: Different susceptibilities of the urinary bladder epithelium of animal species to three nitroso compounds. Gann, 67: 175-189, 1976.

7. Fukushima, S., Hananouchi, M., Shirai, T., Tatematsu, M., Hirose, M., Yoshida, S., Takahashi, M.: Effect of plastic bead on gastric carcinogenesis in rats treated with N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Gann, 67: 197-205, 1976.

8. Tatematsu, M., Takahashi, M., Hananouchi, M., Shirai, T., Hirose, M., Fukushima, S., Ito, N.: Protective effect of mucin on experimental gastric cancer induced by N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine plus sodium chloride in rats. Gann, 67: 223-229, 1976.

9. Hirose, M., Takahashi, M., Hananouchi, M., Tatematsu, M., Kinoshita, H., Fukushima, S., Ito, N.: Transplantation of chemically induced gastric cancer in Wistar rats. Gann, 67: 365-369, 1976.

10. Ito, N., Hananouchi, M., Sugihara, S., Shirai, T., Tsuda, H., Fukushima, S., Nagasaki, H.: Reversibility and irreversibility of liver tumors in mice induced by the α isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane. Cancer Res, 36: 2227-2234, 1976.

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13. Tsuda, H., Hananouchi, M., Tatematsu, M., Hirose, M., Hirao, K., Takahashi, M., Ito, N.: Tumorigenic effect of 3-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole on rat thyroid. J Natl Cancer Inst, 57: 861-864, 1976.

14. Shirai, T., Furihata, C., Tatematsu, M., Fukushima, S., Ito, N., Sugimura, T.: Biochemical study of pyloric metaplasia in the mucosa regenerating over iodoacetamide-induced fundic ulcers in rat stomach. Gann, 67: 813-817, 1976.

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